Hi, I am Manjit Borah, a B.Tech final year student of National Institute of Technolgy Silchar, Assam specialized in Computer Science and Engineering. I have a passion for developing Android applications and I am an excited newbie in the field of Machine Learning. Apart from my academics, I am very much interested in Physics and I am paramagnetic towards amazing food.
Download CVI live in a district called Nagaon located in Assam, India.
Computer Science and Engineering
CPI: 8.46
Assam Higher Secondary Education Council
Percentage: 93.8%
Secondary Education Board of Assam
Percentage: 89%
Tools & Technologies
The library provides a simple alternative to the default calendar widget available in the Android SDKs with a customized layout. In addition, it provides methods to mark particular dates. View documentation for more details.
Debt Manager is an Android Application that helps users keep track of their debts and loans. The application is built using the MVVM design pattern and two of the libraries Room and ViewModel belonging to the Android Architecture Components. It also uses the Firebase Authentication and Realtime Database for online storage purposes of user data.
Implemented a Convolution Neural Network using Keras with Tensorflow backend. Achieved an accuracy of about 98.81% on the validation data set. The model takes 28x28 sized grayscale images of digits from 0 to 9 as input.
Route Finder is an android application that provides the user with the optimal path and sequence of places to be visited. The algorithm implemented to find this optimal solution is a variation of the classical Travelling Salesman Problem. The application uses Google Map services to locate places and find distances among them.
Brain Share is a quiz game application with questions on different topics that can be selected by the user (sample questions included currently). A user can also create his/her own topics. It runs on Marshmallow or higher versions of Android. Extensive use of the Firebase Database has been made to store the topics and questions for the game.
Created a complete web portal to maintain the data of the health center in NIT Silchar that helps keep track of the prescriptions and the inventory. The system also allows to forecast the frequency of the diseases for the next time lag (which is either a week or a day).
An app to give you updates on the COVID-19 statistics worldwide. The information has been taken from the World-O-Meter website. The app is built considering the current body structure of the website. Any changes in the internal structure such as class names, table re-creations etc might break the app and an update would be required. Planning to shift the worker code to an API instead so that the app is not required to be updated everytime the website changes.
"In music, transposition refers to the process or operation of moving a collection of notes up or down in pitch by a constant interval."-Wikipedia. The website helps you transpose chords in a key to those in another.